News from HERMOS

Honoring for many years of service to the company

HERMOS celebrates the 10- 20- 30- and 35-year anniversaries of the employees in the company.

Anwesende Jubilaren der Firma HERMOS stehen in einer Reihe mit Urkunde

At the end of the year, at this year’s Christmas party in Himmelkron, our long-time employees were honored, who could celebrate their 10- 20- 30- and 35-years of service in the past years. The managing directors of HERMOS Schaltanlagen, Uwe Herrmannsdörfer and Michael Hohlweg, as well as the two board members of HERMOS AG, Florian Schwarz and Frank Wiche, honored all employees personally.

The management & board were particularly pleased about the loyalty and faithfulness to the company and thanked all for the performance in the past years, which has contributed significantly to the success of the company.


Without the commitment of our employees, our growth in recent years would not have been possible. The fact that many of our employees have been with us for so long makes us proud and allows us to look to the future with confidence.


Stephan Thaufelder, Matthias Maisel, Jürgen Baumgärtner and Gerhard Strobel have been with HERMOS for over 35 years. This long service is not self-evident and shows a positive working atmosphere, which is also reflected in the fact that many of the 600+ employees have been with the company for more than 10 years.

In recognition and thanks for their loyalty, all employees celebrating their jubilee were presented with a gift and a certificate. HERMOS thanks in the name of all colleagues for the confidence and the long-standing cooperation.

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