News from HERMOS

Appeal – “Bundeswirtschaftssenat”

“Bundeswirtschaftssenat” – a BVMW committee of excellence

Harald Köhler streckt seine Berufungsurkunde in die Kamera

“As CEO of HERMOS AG, I am very pleased about my appointment to the “Bundeswirtschaftssenat” and would like to sincerely thank Senator (ret.) Christoph Ahlhaus (Secretary General of the “Bundeswirtschaftssenat”), Jürgen Gachot (Director of the “Bundeswirtschaftssenat”) and Markus Jerger (Chairman of the “Bundesgeschäftsführung” BVMW) for this honorable recognition.

The certificate with the inscription “In recognition of his exemplary services to small and medium-sized businesses and in appreciation of his entrepreneurial achievements” encourages me to be on the right track. I see it as an obligation to now be able to contribute my expertise to this body.”

As the excellence committee of the BVMW (Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft – German Association of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses), the “Bundeswirtschaftssenat” includes numerous hidden champions and global market leaders from Germany’s SME sector, as well as outstanding personalities from the worlds of science and culture. The approximately 350 members of the Senate generate annual sales of around 120 billion euros and are responsible for 1.2 million employees.

#bundeswirtschaftssenat #bvmw #entrepreneurship #medium-sized companies

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