The finite nature of fossil fuels and the associated shift towards renewable energies, more resource-efficient or environmentally friendly energy use, energy generation, distribution and recovery is also moving the automation market.
FIS offers solutions for this as well. With its modularity, availability and flexibility, FIS manages to fit in here and, as a management level in the field of energy and environment, to bring together the most diverse plant technologies, heterogeneous fieldbus protocols, the multitude of sensors and meters on one platform. Maximum efficiency, also in the operation, evaluation and documentation of all related process data, is one of the added values of FIS.
Whether as a tool for engine test benches in the development of hydrogen drives, as a management system over distributed biomass power plants, in water treatment or in the operation of energy centers – FIS has been the system of choice here for many years.
Water treatment, filtration and softening
The collection, aggregation and clear presentation in trends, diagrams and flexible reports, maps FIS as well as the fulfillment of the special legal requirements for documentation obligations (for example, reports according to DWA). In addition to the creation of key figures, we also support the automatic dispatch of reports, the forwarding of important events (alarms) in connection with shift systems or the possibility of making corresponding manual entries, such as laboratory values.
Therme, indoor swimming pool and leisure pool
From the operation and monitoring of the technical installations via the hot water preparation, the room air conditioning systems, the bath water preparation, the fresh water replenishment, the recording and evaluation of energy, heat and water meters up to the configuration of the switching times for the water attractions – FIS is ideally suited for the control and monitoring of these installations across all trades and manufacturers due to its high availability. From fast and simple operation of the attractions with touch panels to shift-controlled alarm management and fulfillment of documentation obligations, FIS offers the necessary functions with a uniform look and feel on a single platform.
Operating energy centers
Energy efficiency and security of supply even in critical environments – these are the main reasons for operating your own energy control centers. The complex automation functions and their multitude of parameters force a clear display and error-free operation already directly at the control cabinet. Thanks to the client-server structure, visualization and control can be performed directly at the information focal point in the same way as at the higher-level control system. From simple dashboards to long-term trends and detailed reporting with its own key figures, FIS provides the basis for efficient operation.
Monitoring & control biogas plants
Whether modernization or new construction of biogas plants, FIS is the tool for operation, for location-independent monitoring of your plants as well as for evaluation of the processed data and for alarm management and reporting. Everything can be monitored, controlled, configured and documented, from access to the plants and coupling with other energy producers to gas and energy feed into the grid.