

Full service provider for automation solutions

Major subsidiaries form an integral part of HERMOS AG.

With the merger, we are strategically bundling our joint expertise as a full-service provider of automation for buildings, industry, energy and the environment and can therefore offer you the full range of services of the HERMOS Group even more specifically and individually tailored to your needs from a single source. The merger will also increase our efficiency and service quality and consolidate our position as your full-service provider for automation solutions.

Ein Mann mit Schutzbrille und Helm bei der Arbeit an einem Schaltkasten

Hofmockel Automatisierungs- und Prozesstechnik GmbH

As a competent partner for solutions in plant engineering, Hofmockel Automatisierungs- und Prozesstechnik GmbH. offers the entire spectrum of automation, control and regulation technology, engineering, switchgear construction and installation.

Ein Imagebild mit binären Code und dunkelblauen Waben

HERMOS Signaltechnik GmbH

HERMOS Signaltechnik GmbH is an innovative service company for signal technology, analysis and emission technology as well as industrial assembly. We are a successful & independent GmbH since 2006.