„Not in the mood for boredom? I can already supervise my own projects during the training and experience a varied everyday working life!“

You are a pupil or student? Are you interested in an internship or a bachelor/master thesis at HERMOS? Then we are interested in you! We offer a wide range of opportunities, especially in the fields of computer science and electrical engineering. We are looking forward to your application!
An apprenticeship at HERMOS is the perfect basis for your professional future. You are curious and want to take over tasks independently from the beginning? In our HERMOS family you are an important building block from day 1. As a globally active technology company, we offer you modern training.
With the dual study program, we enable technically interested school leavers to study at a university and at the same time receive industrial training. Your advantage? You can apply your technical knowledge directly in practice and earn money at the same time.
In our career portal you will find all current offers for apprenticeships, dual study programs and permanent positions.
„Not in the mood for boredom? I can already supervise my own projects during the training and experience a varied everyday working life!“
„Why do I work at HERMOS? Because my working hours are flexible. In addition, there is a good working atmosphere at HERMOS and good cooperation with colleagues is possible.“
„I decided to train at HERMOS because the profession and the company are very future-proof. You are well prepared for your job here, as well as for the upcoming exams.“
We will process the documents as soon as possible to let you know. The selection process is very time consuming, so please be patient. As soon as you are shortlisted, we will contact you.
In the application documents should never be missing:
This is not acceptable:
If you take this into account, you will be right at the top!
Our interviews are usually at the end of October/beginning of November. The decision is made at the end of the year or at the beginning of the following year at the latest. Receiving your application in good time shows us how important it is to you to get this training position. It also gives us an initial assessment of your reliability, conscientiousness and punctuality.
Now it gets exciting: You have received an appointment for an interview.
After you have received the date for the personal meeting, we ask you to confirm the date. If the proposed date does not suit you, an alternative date can be arranged together. If you cannot make it to the interview at short notice, please contact us by phone or e-mail so that we can plan better.
On the day of the interview we expect you to…
… Punctuality and an outfit that suits you!
You don’t have to dress up for the interview, the outfit should fit you.
Your future trainer and a colleague from human resources development will be present at the interview.
You will convince us if you are open and honest and have informed yourself in advance about HERMOS and the desired apprenticeship or dual study program. We are fully aware that you cannot know everything yet, and we do not expect you to. What is positive for us in any case is if you bring questions to us.
Geschafft! Was kannst du nach deinem Vorstellungsgespräch machen?
Du kannst stolz sein! Wir sichten nun nochmal Deine Bewerbungsunterlagen und beraten uns, ob Du der richtige Kandidat/die richtige Kandidatin für eine Ausbildung oder ein Duales Studium bei uns bist. Wir halten Dich über den aktuellen Stand Deiner Bewerbung immer auf dem Laufenden.